VR Commerce

Marketing & Sales
The challenge

In the commerce sector, retail sales are continuously decreasing compared to online purchases. The advent of e-commerce has revolutionized this world for the convenience of being able to shop from home. Digitization and people’s habits are constantly changing, so much so that e-commerce becomes part of our reality and our life. The next step towards the future is represented by e-commerce in Virtual Reality. where customers can enjoy the convenience of online purchases and the advantages of physical stores.

The result

Our solution consists in the creation of a virtual replica of the physical store, in which the various products are displayed. The customer, as well as an ecommerce site, does not have to queue for the display of products nor for their payment. In addition, it has the ability to interact with the product, pick it up, rotate it and configure it to your liking, remaining tied to the classic concept of a physical store, but with the convenience of having everything at home. Still as regards the link with the physical store, in the virtual one it is possible to receive the support of a salesman in the form of an avatar, but who is actually a real operator who guarantees the human factor, which is fundamental during the shopping experience.